B777 Latam
B777 Latam Average ratng: 9,2/10 6783 reviews
PT-MUD LATAM Airlines Brasil Boeing 777-32W(ER) Manufacturer Serial Number (MSN) 37667. Built as; Boeing 777-32W(ER) First Flight. A LATAM Boeing 777-300 from Sao Paulo in Brazil to London Heathrow diverted and made an emergency overweight landing after it was forced to deploy its ram air turbine (RAT) because of a serious electrical failure. La flota B777-300ER de LATAM es la primera basada en el mercado brasilero en contar con las nuevas cabinas, dado que otros modelos de fuselaje ancho como los B767-300ER y B787.
Originally, I was booked to fly on seat 36A but for an unknown reason, the airline put me on seat 17K. I would not have minded this if I was flying by myself, but I was with 5 other people so we all got jumbled up in that small space in between seat 15 to seat 18. However, apart from that confusion, the flight and crew were outstaning and I could not have asked for anymore apart from my booked seats. I am a great fan of this aircraft and found it absolutey confortable. However, one of the people who I was travelling wth wanted to spend a few minutes (or hours!) in the window seat, so I let her. However, while I was in her seat (17H, corridor), I noticed that it was really cold and so I couldnt sleep properly. I would advise anyone to never book a seat nearest to the corridor because the gush of wind really is irritating and there is nothing better than siiting in a window seat! 777-300 WL PT-MUI (16)(Grd) FRA (MFD)(46)-625x417.jpg)
B777 Latam Flight