Faceup Pai Gow

Wouldn’tyou love to see the Dealer’s hand set before setting your own? This is now areality in this fun and exciting version of Pai Gow Poker. Like traditional PaiGow, the object of the game is for both the Player’s hands to rank higher thanboth of the Dealer’s hands. Unlike traditional Pai Gow, there is no commissionon winning hands.
TheGame is played with a traditional deck of 52 cards, plus a Joker. The Joker mayonly be used as an Ace or to complete a straight, flush, or straight flush.
TheDealer will give everyone seven cards. A set of dice or a randomly generatednumber determines which Player gets the first set of cards. Before any Playeris able to look at their cards the Dealer will set their hand into a five cardhand (High Hand) and a two card hand (Low Hand) according to an established setof rules known as the “House Ways”. If the Dealer has an Ace High Pai Gow(meaning no pairs, three of a kinds, straights, flushes, or straight flushes)all Player’s main game wagers will push. Then, once the Dealer is done, thePlayer’s will set their hand into a High Hand and Low Hand as well. The fivecard hand is ranked as in traditional poker, with the exception that A-2-3-4-5is the second highest straight. The two card hand will be either a pair or twoindividual cards. The highest two card hand is a pair of Aces and the lowest isa 2-3.
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After all Players have arranged their hands the Dealer and Player’s five card hands are compared. Likewise, the Dealer and the Player’s two card hands are compared. The highest hand wins. To win the main game wager both the High Hand and Low Hand must beat the Dealer. To lose both hands must lose. If one hand wins and one hand loses, the outcome is push. If the either of the hands match, it is a tie or “Copy”. Ties are always awarded to the Dealer.
Fortune Bonus Face Up Pai Gow Side Bet
Thisexciting and fun filled side bet is a wager on the value of the Player’s hand.The pay table starts with 3 of kind (even though a straight pays less odds) andends with a 7 card straight flush without a Joker. The top payout is 2500 to 1.The side bet is complete with an Envy bonus that kicks in at the Four of Kindlevel.
Face Up Pai Gow Poker

Face Up Pai Gow Odds

Ace High Face Up Pai Gow Side Bet
Face Up Pai Gow Bonus Payouts
Thisside bet is the player’s way to win when the Dealer has an Ace High Pai Gow.This bet will pay odds while the Player’s main game wager pushes. The startingpayout is 5 to 1 for a Dealer’s Ace High. The Top payout is 40 to 1 for aPlayer and the Dealer having an Ace High at the same time.